jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Final Work on the Blog...!

"Life is not only existing 
but existing and creating, 
know how to enjoy and suffer 
and to not sleep without dreaming.

Rest is start to die..."

Gregorio Marañón (1887-1960) Spanish Doctor and writer.

We are finishing up a small stage in our lives ... but the most beautiful is about to begin. And that is where we truly realize how much we need you and as you are present on our hearts ... and always will be. It is our turn, it's time to walk alone. We will continue our journey ... Thanks for helping to start...

Think, Dream, Live.

Ana, Dany y Jenny

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Final Oral Evaluation - Audiovisual Project


J: Hello!
A: Hello how are you?
A: I'm fine, thank you
D: Let's go in.
J: Well girls, we asked for lunch?
A: I dont know, Let us pray to the menu
D: Waitress! We could bring the menu please?
J: Mmm ... This is delicious.
A: Oh yeah! I want the same thing. 
D: Ok Me too.
D: Waitress! come here please!
A: How was your day at work today? 
J: Well, but I was operating a patient's head and woke up! I had to ask to go back to sleep. He was staining the clothes!
E: Ha Ha Ha 
J: How was the day of your work?
A: I was great!
D: Yes, until you run into the column!
E: Ha ha ha
D: Waitress! The bill please!
A: Oh, Oh!, my wallet is gone!
J: And I leave the bag at home...
D: How odd... I always save the day.
A: We have to go to the bathroom and back. 
(In the bathroom)

A: And now what we do??!
J: I dont know! We must find a way to escape!
D: Yes, it is the only option left to us!

(Trying to escape)
J:The waitress, has seen us, she has seen us!
A: We must return to the table.
M: You have a problem girls?
A: Really big one...
J: We Have no money to pay the bill...
M: Perfect, Then you go to wash the dishes.
D: All Because of You!
J: That a pleasant invitation you do!
A: Shut up, That to you bounced the card and you do Not Even Brought the wallet! 
D: After all, Where is your wallet?

A: I will meet you at the door of the restaurant at 12.00 as we arranged it?
J: Yes, now I attests to dani, but I Do Not Think There is a problem.
A: ok, see you.
A: Oh, shit,  Its too late!


sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

The Importance of Media in Education.

As we know the media are the source or bridge between the audience (public) and the sender (transmitter) in order to convey an important message or urgent nature, and therefore require arriving early and expand to the public. For social communication, these means can be used frequently as advertising, which carries news, events, and other commercial purposes, but not just for this purpose the media are used. In the educational field can be helpful, but wait a minute not to sell our students a product, promote or advertise any event, but to publicize the contents included a specific area in a playful way, different and very appealing to them.; therefore bear in mind that the traditional model applied in the school to convey a concept memoristics students and went down in history, and now that the world has advanced so much and gives us many ways to spread information and the media; there that use them and therefore apply our educational purpose.
In this way and parties are the most widely used media and the child is constantly exposed and interaction, is that we say that can spread in the classroom educational purposes only. Below is how you can find each of these focused on how to use it to develop an activity with children or teach a class: 

Television: because they use it to spend a video or film in which the child is clearly Mustre thematic development, and on which to ask what is or can appreciate, because if we start from the observation will be easier to the child internalizes the mensaaje that you want tranmit, taking it to develop some thought processes such as argumentation, analysis, deduction, etc., which managed to build in meaningful learning.

Radio: because they create a radio program in which to learn the importance of this as difunsor of knowledge, and therefore where the child has an active role in their own learning process. That is, he will have the opportunity to learn significantly these, finding a creative way that his colleagues listen to what they have learned during the school year, creating a channel in which to share ideas, conduct discussion groups in relation to a topic and so on.

Journals and magazines: these two types of media can be used through the creation of murals, banners, booklets, in which the written production is tested in order to develop thinking and creativity of the child; obviously educational purposes. 

Internet: this means of mass communication, we can allow the child to explore various educational software, in which test your knowledge, skills, in a fun and creative through play, since the Children learn more easily if the knowledge is attractive for its perception, and where your senses are tested.

Source: "La Coctelera" Web Page.

A Mass Medium of Communication

Internet is a method of networking computers deployed in a set of protocols called TCP / IP and ensures that heterogeneous physical networks function as a network (logical) single. Makes its first appearance in 1969, when ARPAnet makes its initial connection between three universities in California and one in Utah. Has had the biggest expansion in relation to their young age compared to the extension of this medium. Their presence throughout the world makes the Internet a mass medium, where everyone can learn a variety of topics in the editions of newspapers, or write according to their ideas in blogs and upload fotologs or audiovisual material as the popular YouTube site. Some say this makes them key players in the internet to the users.

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Uruguayan champions of America and the world...♪♫

Uruguayan Soccer Team

Uruguayan Soccer Team gave us great joy this year. His performance in the World Cup was something that left us pleasantly surprised, but more so, his attitude as a group. Proved to be great companions and in adversity, playing as a group apart from individual interests, that you can overcome it, because the winners do not win alone. In  Uruguay, every bar, every corner where you could view the broadcast, we were like you ...a group of friends. Few times we feel so much as Uruguayan . Momentarily we forget the problems and gave back the hope of one day be champions again. It was necessary to make you see how we feel, so we made this tribute ... went to meet you to recibe you at home ... as heroes who are ... as the 23 brave men who are ... and showing how proud we are of you. Because that's the word ... Pride ... We were almost in final stages of the competition and we left it, but with his head held high. Thanks guys! 

Soundtrack: Go To The Goal (Paula Terry)

Cross the line and win
Told you so
Told you I would dont call me slow
We all know in the end
Winner takes it all
I'm brave enough to fight
That's right
I've live standing, I'm made of guts
It's the stuff that keeps me going high
I'm grounded and focused on what I have to do
There's no stopping me
With courage that pulls me
I will get through
You'll see
I want to go
Go for the goal
Don't stand in my way
Don't try to stop me
I'm going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I'm a winner
And winners love winning a lot
Make it do or die
I feel the need to grow be the best don't stop til I succees
I'm brave enough to win
Strength from within
I'll be the hero I was born to be
And you'll be proud of me
I'm grounded and focused, on what I have to do
There's no stopping me
With courage that pulls me
I will get through
You'll see
I want to go
Go for the goal
Don't stand in my way
Don't try to stop me
I'm going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I'm a winner
And winners love winning a lot
Yeah, yeah.
Don't try to stop me,
Yeah Yeah, yeah
I'm going ahead
Let's go
Go for the goal
Don't stand in my way
Don't try to stop me
I'm going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I'm a winner
And winners love winning a lot
Go for the goal (go for the goal)
Don't stand in my way (don't stand in my way)
Don't try to stop me
I'm going ahead
Right to the top (right to the top)
Give all I got (give all I got)
I'm a winner
And winners love winning a lot
Cross the line and win
Strike strong from within
I'm brave enough
I'm strong enough
I'm proud enough to win

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

Invictus Movie Trailer 2009 HD [OFFICIAL]

¿Who is Pacifist Nelson Mandela?

South African politician (Umtata, Transkei, 1918 -). Renouncing his hereditary right to be head of a tribal Xhosa, Nelson Mandela became a lawyer in 1942. In 1944 he joined the African National Congress (ANC), a movement of struggle against oppression of black South Africans. Mandela was one of the leaders of the Youth League Congress that is expected to be the dominant group in the ANC, its ideology was an African socialism: the nationalist, racist and imperialist. In 1948 he came to power in South Africa the National Party institutionalized racial segregation created by the apartheid regime. Under the inspiration of Gandhi, the ANC advocated nonviolent methods of struggle: the League of Youth (chaired by Mandela in 1951-52) organized civil disobedience campaigns against segregation laws.
In 1952 Mandela became president of the Transvaal ANC, while heading to the volunteers who defied the regime, had become the de facto leader of the movement. The repression was 8000 arrests, including that of Mandela, who was confined in Johannesburg. He established the first black law firm in South Africa. In 1955, fulfilled their sentences, he reappeared in public, promoting the adoption of a Charter of Liberty, which was embodied the aspiration of a multiracial, egalitarian and democratic reform Agricultural policy and social justice in the distribution of wealth.
The hardening of the racist regime culminated in 1956 with the government's plan to create seven reservations or Bantustans, supposedly independent marginal areas, which confine the black majority. The ANC responded with demonstrations and boycotts that led to the arrest of most of its leaders, Mandela was charged with high treason, tried and released for lack of evidence in 1961. During the trial took place during the Sharpeville massacre in The police opened fire on an unarmed crowd protesting against the racist laws, killing 69 protesters (1960). The killing advised the government to declare a state of emergency, under which arrested the black opposition leaders: Mandela was detained without trial several months. Those events ended to convince the leaders of the ANC's failure to continue fighting for methods not violent, not weakened the regime and that provoked an equally bloody repression. In 1961 Mandela was elected honorary secretary of the National Action Congress All Africa, a new underground movement adopted sabotage as a means of struggle against the regime of the newly declared Republic of South Africa, and he directed the armed wing of the ANC (the Spear of the Nation). His strategy focused on attacking economically important plants or symbolic value, excluding life threatening.

domingo, 25 de julio de 2010

Mafalda and the War... (EE.UU - Vietnam)

A girl peculiar... Mafalda

Mafalda is the name of a comic strip cartoonist argentinian developed by Quino from 1964 to 1973, which is starring the eponymous girl, "mirror of the Latin American middle class and progressive youth" one who is concerned about humanity and world peace and rebels against the world inherited from their elders. Mafalda is very popular in Latin America in general, Spain, Italy, Greece and France. It has been translated into over thirty languages.

This year we decided to work with her in the thematic unit "human values" as Mafalda child under their appearance (in fact it is a little girl) with his friends show us messages about our behavior as human beings at every stage of history which was involved, life lessons we should take very seriously.

martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Honesty, a human value that is being lost ...

Honesty is the human quality that the person is determined to choose always act based on truth and true justice (giving each person his due, including itself). To be honest is to be real, according to evidence presented by the world and its various events and elements, is to be genuine, authentic, objective. Honesty expresses respect for oneself and for others, who, like us, are "as is" and there is no reason to hide. This attitude planting self-confidence and those who are in contact with the person honest. Honesty is not just openness (ability to tell the truth) but to assume that truth is only one and that does not depend on people or consensus but what the real world presents us with undeniable and essential to recognize.

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

Imagine - John Lennon (Live)

A Movie With A Lot Of Human Values...

The name of the film is “Edward Scissorhands”.  It´s starred by Johnny Depp as Edward, Winona Ryder and Vincent Price as the inventor. It was directed by Tim Burton. It was produced by Paramount Pictures. The music was performed by Danny Elfman. I like this film because it is very romantic and shows that the appearance has nothing to do with feelings though often so discriminating. There are some human values such as love, friendship and tolerance.

This would be the Letter Of Application of Jenny...

General Flores 495

Tuesday 27th April, 2010
Luis Alberto De Herrera 1290
Montevideo Shopping Center

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing in response to your advertisement for Receptionist of Spa in El Pais of  Sunday 25th  April, 2010.
Although I am happy studying, I would like a job to get more responsability and get self-sufficiency.
I would be grateful if you could give me futher information concerning the Receptionist job.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I am available for interview at your convenience.
Please find enclose my resume with my photography.

Yours faithfully

Jennifer Malfatto

Ana and Dany are going to tell us about the career in public relations in the UTU ITS it on the last two years...

Subjects in the first year are:
-Study of the twentieth century.
-Spanish language.
-Technical English.
-Computerised typing.
-Research Workshop.
-Televission Workshop.
-Social Communication theory.

Subjects on the second year are:
-Ceremonial and protocol.
-Spanish Language.
-Applied Computing.
-Law of Communication.
-Sociology of Communication.
-Public Relations Workshop.

When you finish the first year you get the Degree of Technical Assistant in Social Communication.
When you approve the second year you finally get the degree of Public Relations. 

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

The Beatles A Hard Day's Night...

Biography Of A Simbol... Confucius

CONFUCIUS, the great Chinese sage, was born June 19th, 551 B.C. at Shang-ping, in the country of Lu. His own name was Kong, but his disciples called him Kong-fu-tse, (i.e. Kong the Master, or Teacher,) which the Jesuit missionaries Latinized into Confucius. His father died when Confucius was only three years of age, but he was very carefully brought up by his mother, Yan-she, and from his earliest years, displayed an extraordinary love of learning, and veneration for the ancient laws of his country. When only 19 Confucius married, but divorced his wife four years after marriage that he might have more lime for study and the performance of his public duties. The death of his mother, which occurred in his 23rd year, gave occasion to the first solemn and important act of Confucius as a moral reformer. The solemnity and splendor of the burial ceremony with which he honored her remains, (an old custom which had fallen into disuse,) struck his fellow citizens with astonishment, and they determined for the future to bury their dead with the ancient honors. Their example was followed by the neighboring states, and the whole nation, except the poorest class. Confucius did not end here. He shut himself up in his house to pass in solitude the three years of mourning for his mother, the whole of which time he dedicated to philosophical study. We are told that he reflected deeply on the eternal laws of morality, traced them to their source, imbued his mind with a sense of the duties they impose indiscriminately on all men, and determined to make them the immutable rule of all his actions. Henceforth his career is only an illustration of his ethical system. He commenced to instruct his countrymen in the precepts of morality, exhibiting in his own person all the virtues he inculcated in others. Gradually his disciples increased, as the practical character of his philosophy became more apparent. His disqiples generally were not the young and enthusiastic, but men of middle age, sober, grave, respectable, and occupying important public situations. This fact throws light both on the character and design of his philsosophy. It was moral, not religious, and aimed exclusively at fitting men for conducting themselves honorably and prudently in this life.
Confucius travelled through various states, in some of which he was well received, while in others he was not much appreciated. His later wanderings were very unpropitious: state after state refused to be improved. He was in some instances persecuted; once he was imprisoned and nearly starved, and finally seeing no hope of securing the favorable attention of the mass of his countrymen while alive, he returned in extreme poverty to his native state, and spent his last years in the composition of literary works, by which posterity at least might be instructed. He died 479 B.C., in the 70th year of his age. Immediately after his death, Confucius began to be venerated and his family was distinguished by various honors and privileges.
While Confucius' system is termed a religion, it ought rather to be regarded as a method of political and social life, built upon a slight foundation of philosophy. It contains no trace of a personal God, though there are indeed a number of allusions to a certain heavenly agency or power, Shang-te, whose outward emblem is Tien, or the visible firmament.

martes, 6 de abril de 2010

CONFUCIUS (Chinese philosopher)

No matter how busy you may
think you are you must find
time for reading or surrender
yourself to self -chosen ignorance...